22:58:282015-03-24 22:58:28the design inspiration of kelly hoppen 22:57:412015-03-24 22:57:41wendell cast - furniture maker or fine artist 22:53:212015-03-24 22:53:21under the surface 22:52:072015-03-24 22:52:07engrossed in materials 22:48:362015-03-24 22:48:36installation day
the design inspiration of kelly hoppen
/0 Comments/in Artist, Inspirations, Uncategorized /by AlignLabwendell cast – furniture maker or fine artist
/0 Comments/in Artist, Furnitures, Inspirations, Uncategorized /by AlignLabsimplify simplify simplify
/0 Comments/in Process, Uncategorized /by AlignLabdavid sloan- undiscovered modern painter
/0 Comments/in Artist, Inspirations, Uncategorized /by AlignLabalter ego
/0 Comments/in Shows, Uncategorized /by AlignLabunder the surface
/0 Comments/in Furnitures, Uncategorized /by AlignLabengrossed in materials
/0 Comments/in Inspirations, Process, Uncategorized /by AlignLabwet paint
/0 Comments/in Shows, Uncategorized /by AlignLabhand culling reclaimed maple
/0 Comments/in Inspirations, Uncategorized /by AlignLabinstallation day
/0 Comments/in Process, Uncategorized /by AlignLab